©2020 David E Robinson, At the Gates of Yerushalayim Ministries
A Special series:
Lessons from the Wilderness, Volume 32
…A Study in Revelation… Part 8
Search for the Truth at the end of the Age
αποκαλυψις ιησου χριστου
(The Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah) [1] [2] [3]
Unless you are dealing with your sin, there is no agonizing going on. Are you expecting a quick victory over the flesh? Stop. It took us years to get this messed up – it takes Yahveh whatever time it takes to conform us to the image of His son. So, what if it seems you are progressing slowly? So, what if it takes 25 years? Maybe Messiah will return tomorrow – are you concerned? Do not be if you are agonizing over your sin. If you are not, if you think you’ve “arrived”, then perhaps you had better re-read 2 Peter 2, learn what it means and repent of your presumption.
2 Peter 2 (CEV)
“A dog will come back to lick up its own vomit.
A pig that has been washed will roll in the mud.” [6]
Only Yahveh knows the heart of man – that is why we grow, why we agonize. Progress must be made in our sins. We must be over-coming – for if we are in Him, we are winning. Sin will have no place [1 John 3:6-10].
Let us go to Philippians 1:27-30:
Only let your manner
of life be worthy of the gospel of Messiah: that, whether I come and see you or
be absent, I may hear of your state, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one
soul striving for the faith of the gospel; 28 and in nothing affrighted by the
adversaries: which is for them an evident token of perdition, but of your
salvation, and that from God; 29
[Thayer Definition:
1) grace
that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace
of speech
2) good will, loving-kindness, favor
of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls,
turns them to Messiah, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith,
knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues
3) what is due to grace
the spiritual condition of one governed by the power of divine grace
the token or proof of grace, benefit
3b1) a gift of grace
3b2) benefit, bounty
4) thanks, (for benefits, services, favors),
recompense, reward] [8]
In the pews? Maybe…
Lots of “amens”, but truly little else.
“Super Apostles” come in and talk about the “Five-fold ministry”, “theocracy”, “submission”, “don’t criticize the anointed!”, and take control over their congregations' bit by bit till they turn the worship of Yahveh into a carnival. And the world laughs at our Yahveh, defames the name of Jesus because WE DON’T KNOW HIM EITHER!
O ecclesia, my heart is
breaking… O ecclesia why don’t you know Him?
O Remnant, blessed little remnant… You know Him though, and He knows you. You are the ones weeping, you are the ones crying out to Him in your despair at not only your sin, but the sins of the nations, and the sins of Yahveh’s people. O that I could bear the iniquity for you all! O if only I had the strength, but I do not! Only Yeshua is able, only Messiah my Savior, my Peace, my Hope, my Shield, my Rock, my Lover, my Yahveh is able!
So then, how is the Truth of Yahveh’s Word distorted, especially as it relates to the agōnizomai? What do most believe? Well, just as an aside, I knew a man who came as a regular speaker at a discipleship program, who boasted all the time of his five-million-dollar real estate portfolio and how he skipped lunch every day. He commented upon how he considered it an honor to skip lunch every day, to be “counted worthy” of “suffering for Messiah” that way.
My beloved, while this may seem extreme, this is symptomatic of how most “believers” in the west view their “suffering for Messiah”. I dare to say, how most feel about “agonizing over sin” is the same way. Most have read the words, or hopefully they have at least heard somebody speak about “agonizing over sin” [though, suffering is not in most congregation’s agenda anymore]. They maybe see themselves at least struggling with sin, by that I mean, they can recognize it to a degree, yet they are not really overcoming. They assume that they are at least doing what they are supposed to be doing, and by recognition, they are “agonizing over sin”. Is this what Paul meant? Just recognizing the term or the sin has no real effect on their own lives or others, now does it? Look at Philip. 1:30 again. Paul speaks of the Philippians going through the same conflict as he, and we know the sufferings he endured. The Greek word for conflict is agōn. The battle is for the Truth and the conflict can be physical and/or mental, but it is always spiritual. To agonize does not mean to recognize. Most “Christians” believe that if they recognize their sin and then “confess” it, that this covers the sin. Well, we must look at what “confess” really means, do not we, to see if this is true or not.
Here the word for “confess” is the word ἐξομολογέω exomologeō (ex-om-ol-og-eh'-o) (G1843), defined by Thayer as: “…forth from the heart, freely; …to profess publicly, openly…”[11]. Strong’s Concordance defines it as: “…to acknowledge or (by implication, of assent) agree fully:--confess, profess, promise…”[12]
1 John 1:9
(1901 ASV): If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our
sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. [13]
Our first example is usually understood within the Catholic Church context. “Confess your sins one to another…” is the embodiment of the Catholic confession, but it must be realized that it is not man that we are to be confessing to; we are coming into agreement with Yahveh over our sins. Let me say one thing to this: no matter how transparent I or you attempt to be, some sins we just are not going to tell each other about. Right or wrong, we consider these between the Father and ourselves. If it needs be revealed, then the Spirit will direct us to do this, and no matter what, we will do it. While I try to be as transparent as possible, I often ask why it is this way? Am I ashamed of my sin, or will the confession hurt another? I do not know, but just look at Scripture if you do not believe this to be true. Paul says he was buffeted by satan with a “thorn in his side” … Scholars and commentators have speculated for 2000 years about what this “thorn” was, yet Paul, by lead of the Spirit, never revealed it to us. If “confession” is so good for the soul as they say, why wasn’t Paul transparent to us? Yahveh’s grace is truly sufficient my beloved. That is all I need to know, and that is all you need to know also.
Romans 10:9-10 (NASB95)
9 1that aif you confess with your mouth
Jesus as Lord, and bbelieve in your heart that cGod raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, 1resulting in righteousness, and
with the mouth he confesses, 2resulting in salvation. [16]
“…That if thou shalt confess…” Confess is the word homologeō; if we consent, if we agree that Jesus
is Lord… This is the agreeing.
“…and shalt believe in thine heart
that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved…”; this is the doing.
You see, the principle of agōnizomai is at work here. We come into the recognition of something, we come into an agreement. Yet, if we stop here, then what is accomplished? We then have to move into the next stage; we have to do.
words we use to say we are “confessing”, or to say we are “agonizing” are words
not to be used lightly. To whom do we
profess [confess] or agree with? Yahveh.
What do we agree to? We agree
that we have sinned according to His Word.
What do we do then? We agonize, we wrestle with ourselves and Yahveh
– we strive against this nature of ours, to change darkness into light. We repent, turning from ourselves back to the
one who created us. We return to
Him. We do something about it.
It would also serve us well to look at Isaiah:
“…Isaiah 29:13 (1901 ASV) And the Lord said, forasmuch as this people draw nigh unto me, and with their mouth and with their lips to honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment of men which hath been taught them…” [18]
If all we are doing is “confessing” – “O yes, I have sinned, and I have admitted it. I am okay now, Yahveh has forgiven me!…” and then we go away and tomorrow do the same thing again, isn’t all that we are doing only “flappin’ our jaws”?
Look at Isaiah… “their fear of me is a commandment of men which hath been taught them…” We are told or taught to “confess” without actually knowing exactly what it is we are doing. Man’s “confession” is simply recognition! Yahveh’s “confession” is seeing our sin, agreeing with Yahveh we have sinned, and then doing something about it! Do you fear confessing? You should when you truly realize that it is just not a realization or recognition of wrong, you are entering a guilty plea before the Judge! With that in mind do you see why we must throw ourselves upon the mercy and grace of the court? If we only teach man’s “confession”, without teaching repentance and that we are to actively seek Yahveh’s help to change, then we have done nothing save condemn ourselves with our own words. Our hearts are far from Him and hypocrites we are, not rightly judging ourselves.
We are to be winning this battle. Consider this though; no war is won at once. We gain ground slowly, inch by inch. Sometimes the battle is over quickly, other times it is a slug fest; but what is important is that we are fighting, and we are moving forward, always taking ground. There will even be times that we feel we are going backwards, but if we struggle and strive for the prize we will win. We must though, have this agōn, this struggle. For us to be like Messiah, to conform to His image, we must be at war with the flesh. To truly see this, we must again define terms, we must be able to define what the struggle is.
Colossians 2:1
1 For I would have
you know what combat I have for you, and those in Laodicea, and as many as have
not seen my face in flesh; [19]
Beloved, think for a minute about that statement. “The life task of the Christian.” To what do we, as men and women, usually associate as a “life task”? Well, there is the task of our education and our career; the task of raising a family; the task of providing for our retirement; the task of paying our bills and acquiring our stuff; I think you see the pattern. How many people [“Christians” included] even for one minute consider the struggle, the agōn over sin to be their life task? This conforming to the image of Messiah is just that – a struggle, a war against our flesh, against complacency and compromise, against heresy and for Truth, against sin. It is not simply the recognition that we are sinners; the man at the bar can do that. It is the daily doing something about it that we see Paul speaking of in Col. 2:1. His struggle was not just for himself, but also for others to rise up into the same place and struggle he was.
2 For you yourselves know,
brothers,3 that our fcoming to you gwas not in vain. 2 But
though we had already suffered and been shamefully treated hat Philippi, as you know, iwe had boldness in our God jto declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much kconflict. 3 For lour appeal does not spring from merror or nimpurity or oany attempt to deceive, 4 but just as we have been
approved by God pto be entrusted with the gospel,
so we speak, not qto please man, but to please God rwho tests our hearts. 5 sFor we never came with words of
flattery,4 as you know, nor with a pretext
for greed—tGod is witness. 6 uNor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others, vthough we could have made wdemands as xapostles of Christ. 7 But we were ygentle5 among you, zlike a nursing mother taking care of her own children. 8 So,
being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only
the gospel of God abut also our own selves, because
you had become very dear to us.
9 For you remember, brothers, bour labor and toil: we cworked night and day, that we
might not be a burden to any of you, while we proclaimed to you the gospel of
God. 10 You are witnesses, and dGod also, ehow holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct toward you
believers. 11 For you know how, flike a father with his children, 12
we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and gcharged hyou to walk in a manner worthy of
God, iwho calls you into his own
kingdom and glory.
13 And jwe also thank God constantly1 for this, that when you received kthe word of God, which you heard
from us, you accepted it lnot as the word of men but as
what it really is, the word of God, mwhich is at work in you
believers. 14 For you, brothers, nbecame imitators of othe churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For pyou suffered the same things from your own countrymen qas they did from the Jews, 15 rwho killed both the Lord Jesus and sthe prophets, and drove us out,
and displease God and toppose all mankind 16 uby hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be
saved—so as always vto fill up the measure of their
sins. But wGod’s wrath has come upon them at
Paul’s Longing to See Them Again
17 But since we were torn away from
you, brothers, for a short time, xin person not in heart, we
endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire yto see you face to face, 18
because we wanted to come to you—I, Paul, again and again—but Satan zhindered us. 19 For what is our hope or ajoy or crown of boasting bbefore our Lord Jesus at his ccoming? Is it not you? 20 For you are our glory and
joy. [21]
Brethren, does the preaching of Yahveh’s
Word ever seem ineffective or foolish to you?
Do you shrink back from it because you wonder “What’s the use? These
people won’t listen anyway…” Why would you even think this way? Paul preached, even when the crowds were hostile,
even when it appeared foolish to do so. Yahveh’s
word does not go out void with no return.
We will encounter resistance and even hatred when the truth is
pronounced. Should this hold back the eternal
Words of life? If you are truly
agonizing over sin, that means you are engaged in mortal combat with it my
friends; it will fight back. Paul tells
of this in verse 2, when he tells how he and his companions had “suffered”
before at Philippi [Acts 14:5; 16:19-24].
You see beloved, this is a truth you have to get around; if you are
going to speak Yahveh’s Word, if you are going to preach, then you will
agōnizomai. What? You say you are not a preacher, that this is
not your calling? Friends, we are all
preachers, kings, and priests, giving a sermon wherever we go simply spoken by
the way we live. If you are living a
righteous life – you are struggling. In
this struggle you wrestle with powers and principalities, you wrestle with the
flesh, wrestle with Yahveh’s Word and wrestle with your affections as you
strive to be Messiah-like. Make no
mistake about it either, you are on display.
Briefly now, let us look at how this battle is waged. Paul says in verse 3 it is not waged in “deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor guile” or (verse 4) “…not as pleasing men…” This is the point where, I dare say approximately 90% of all Christians cease their struggles, cease the fight, and draw themselves away to the comfort of the pew. From this vantage point they sit back, content to let the pastor/preacher/teacher pick up the gauntlet. Christianity today wants to be liked. We want to be “friendly”, seen as an “open-door”. We are not to be “judgmental”; we are to be “tolerant”. We are not “confrontational”, we are “engaging”. We seek not to uphold sin to the light, but instead seek to help people “recognize” their need to change. Repentance? Well, perhaps, but let us get you down the aisle first, get that “conversion” thing going. Bear your cross? O save that for another day. Die to self? Why, that goes against our classes that are teaching self-esteem… We are seeker friendly – you know, we know you are shopping, looking for that word that fits your ear, the décor that fits your eye, the songs that give your emotions a lift. Never mind that hellfire and brimstone preaching. Why that stuff hurts! [Can’t be calling sin a sin, now can we?] We want to be “pleasing to men”. Paul says in verse 5 he used not “…flattering words…nor…a cloak of covetousness…” […move over prosperity…]. He also spoke that it was “…nor of men sought we glory…” No cult of personality for these preachers, no standing ovations when they walked in the door and no talk show appearances.
1 Timothy 6:8 (KJV)
8And having food and raiment let
us be therewith content. [25] Young renders this verse as follows:
1Ti 6:8 YLT
(8) but having food and
raiment--with these we shall suffice ourselves;[26]
Can you see the contrasts? The man who rejects Yahveh seeks to fill the void in his heart with that which cannot satisfy, with that which moth and rust can corrupt, or man can steal. The man who is His, is satisfied with what Yahveh gives, he is content. He shall not “want” (Ps. 23:1). In the Hebrew, the word used for “want” is חסר châsêr (khaw-sare').
Gesenius translates this as “not
to suffer want [lack, harm or loss]. [27] Keil and Delitzsch put it as this:
Friends let me depart from here for a moment. We in the western church are at ease. The studies I do show me how simpler it is for me to study the Word of Yahveh. At my fingertips I can access information that took someone the work of a lifetime to compile, yet in seconds I can do the type of research that used to be only found in the best seminaries in the world. You can walk into WalMart® or K-Mart® and buy Bibles right off the shelf, books mass produced that took hundreds of man-hours in times past to type-set and print. Tyndale lost his life for this cause in 1536:
“…Master Tyndale, remaining in prison, was proffered an advocate and a procurator; the which he refused, saying that he would make answer for himself. He had so preached to them who had him in charge, and such as was there conversant with him in the Castle that they reported of him, that if he were not a good Christian man, they knew not whom they might take to be one. At last, after much reasoning, when no reason would serve, although he deserved no death, he was condemned by virtue of the emperor's decree, made in the assembly at Augsburg. Brought forth to the place of execution, he was tied to the stake, strangled by the hangman, and afterwards consumed with fire, at the town of Vilvorde, A.D. 1536; crying at the stake with a fervent zeal, and a loud voice, "Lord! open the king of England's eyes.…” [29]
…Lazy Christians…
“Matthew 25:21 -- thou hast been faithful over a few
things, I will make thee ruler over many things
* few - Greek: oligos - puny
in degree, number, duration or value; "a little""
Galatians 6:9 -- let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap if we faint not
* faint - Greek: ekluo - to
God is not looking for "Superstars" in His work. If we are not willing to be missionaries to our friends in the streets of our hometown, God has no place for us in Africa. If we are not willing to say the truth of God's word to our families and business associates, daily, we cannot truly serve the Lord in any ministry. Most people are waiting for a "big calling" from God. It never comes because they stop in their "little tasks". They say, "God has bigger things for me." God wants people who are willing to tend to a lot of little details. When we "relax" and cease doing the "few" (small) things, then we stop short of God completing His work in us. The "little things" never stop in the work of the Lord. The thing that keeps Christians from serving Messiah faithfully: they do not like the menial tasks; they want the big, "more important" jobs. When a man does not give because he cannot give a hundred dollars instead of only five dollars, then he is unfaithful because he considers the small amount unimportant. If a man is unwilling to pass out a tract because he "thinks" it will do no good, then he is unfaithful. If he will not read his Bible because he says, "I can't understand it and it's just not important right now in my life", he is unfaithful and unwilling to do the little things. He will not reap the crop when he is unwilling to continually sow the seed. God wants our bodies as living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1). He will take the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. (I Cor. 1:27). Only lazy Christians will not do "little things".” [30]
We truly do no one any service by being at ease, by being comfortable. We sit and wait for the “rapture”, without doing the work of Him who we wait for. No wonder Messiah asks in Luke 18:7-8 (KJV):
7And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto
him, though he bear long with them? 8I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless,
when the Son of man cometh, shall
he find faith on the earth? [31]
Notice what the Lord says here? “…his own elect, which cry day and night unto him…” This, my beloved, is the agōn, this is the agōnizomai over sin. The lazy man or the man at ease and comfort will not be crying out to Yahveh day and night, but he will be fretting over his stock portfolio or his 401K, or who his choice of president will be. He will fret and worry about the price of gas and food and look around to see who there is left to blame for all these problems yet won’t pause for a second to realize that he is part of the problem. If we identify ourselves as “Christian or a believer” and we have not repented of our wicked ways, and agōnizomai over not only our sin, but also that of our land’s, we are the problem. Remember what must be done – crucify our affections, our wants, our desires, our favoritism, our emotions – so that we get down to the “bottom line”, Yahveh’s Word and it alone. We are to be content with what we are given, but not content with our sin. The greatest sins of the believer today are pride and covetousness.
“Covetousness” is synonymous with (G1939) ἐπιθυμία epithumia (ep-ee-thoo-mee'-ah), which is “…a longing (especially for what is forbidden): - concupiscence, desire, lust (after)…”[32]; (G3715) ὄρεξις orexis (or'-ex-is)- [“…2a) used both in a good and a bad sense, as well of natural and lawful and even of proper cravings (of appetite for food), also of corrupt and unlawful desires…”] [33]; or (G3730) ὁρμή hormē (hor-may'), a “…a violent motion, or impulse…” [34] When we desire more, no matter the context of that desire - be it more comfort, more money, more love to or from our family, more increase – when these are the things we desire, what have we truly done? We have forsaken Yahveh, replaced Him as our provider and placed ourselves above Him.
What then do these wants and desires then become? Idolatry. Idolatry is the Greek word (G1495) εἰδωλολατρεία eidōlolatreia (i-do-lol-at-ri'-ah), which comes from the words:
(G1497) εἴδωλον eidōlon (i'-do-lon) an object to be worshipped and (G2999) λατρεία latreia (lat-ri'-ah …to worship;service… [35]
If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy
of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not
worthy of being mine. [37]
Till we see each other again
May YHVH richly bless you all,
my beloved.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: Unless otherwise cited, all material
found on this blogsite (original text, opinions, conclusions, and other
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errors found within, rest solely upon me; please do not blame the Father for my
mistakes. I am teachable and correctable, not infallible. 😊
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for instructional purposes only and/or to aid in the readers understanding of
the subjects discussed.
[4] Author’s note:
Throughout this study I will be using the NET Bible® and the NET Notes®: within
the notes you will see symbols like this: ( א B
Ψ 892* 2427 sys). These are abbreviations used by the NET Bible® for
identifying the principal manuscript evidence that they (authors and
translators of the NET Bible®) used in translating the New Testament. Please go
to https://bible.org/netbible/ and see their section labeled “NET Bible
Principals of Translation” for a more complete explanation on these symbols and
other items pertinent to the way the NET Bible uses them.
[5] Author’s Note: In these studies, I
have used the notes that come along with the passages I cite from the sources
that I cite: these need a bit of a disclaimer though. As in all things, not
everything that is footnoted is something that I necessarily agree with,
especially if it contradicts what I believe pertains to any matters of the
Torah or the commandments of God. I give you the notes as they are written by
the authors of the material I cite from, so that you can see the information
contained within them. It truly is not my place to edit or correct them; if
they state anything that is in opposition to what I teach, then so be it. I
will address these issues if requested. That is not to say I should not
challenge something I believe, in my humble opinion, might contradict the truth
of God’s word; that I will do in the main body of my epistles for that is where
my gentle dissent belongs. Most (but not all) of the differences will come when
I quote from a source that displays a decidedly Western/Greek mindset, as
opposed to a Hebraic perspective. I have to be intellectually honest – I am
biased toward the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and His son, Yeshua the
Messiah. I pray then we all can find common ground as we study the Scriptures.
b 2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah: During the
time of Abraham the Lord destroyed these cities because the people there were
so evil (see Genesis 19.24).
c 2.11 evil beings: Or “evil teachers.”
d 2.13 and the meals they eat with you are
spoiled by the shameful and selfish way they carry on: Some manuscripts
have “and the meals they eat with you are spoiled by the shameful way they
carry on during your feasts of Christian love.”
[6] The Contemporary
English Version : With Apocrypha. 1997, c1995 (electronic ed.). Nashville:
Thomas Nelson.
[7] American
Standard Version. 1995 (Electronic edition.). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos
Research Systems, Inc.
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament, by Joseph H. Thayer, Copyright ©1977, Baker Book House Company
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament, by Joseph H. Thayer, Copyright ©1977, Baker Book House Company
[10] The Holy
Bible : King James Version. 1995 (Electronic edition of the 1769 edition of
the 1611 Authorized Version.). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament, by Joseph H. Thayer, Copyright ©1977, Baker Book House Company
Strong numbers for WHNA (only NA part)
v2.0 ● Copyright © 2007 Scripture4all Foundation
American Standard Version. 1995
(Electronic edition.). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament, by Joseph H. Thayer, Copyright ©1977, Baker Book House Company
Young’s 1894 Literal Translation of the
Bible, by Robert Young, ©2004 Greater Truth Publications
1 Or because
Matt 10:32; Luke 12:8; Rom 14:9; 1 Cor 12:3; Phil 2:11
b Acts 16:31; Rom 4:24
c Acts 2:24
1 Lit to righteousness
2 Lit to salvation
[16] New American Standard Bible : 1995 update.
1995. LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.
[17] The
Holy Bible : King James Version. 1995 (Electronic edition of the 1769
edition of the 1611 Authorized Version.). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research
Systems, Inc.
[18] American
Standard Version. 1995 (Electronic edition.). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos
Research Systems, Inc.
[19] Darby, J. N., 1890
Darby Bible, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.
The Complete Word Study Dictionary of the
New Testament, (Formerly Robinson’s Lexicon), by Spiros Zidhiates ©1992 AMG
3 Or brothers and sisters; also verses 9, 14, 17
f ch. 1:9
g [2 Thess. 1:10]
h Acts 16:22-24
i See Acts 4:13
j Acts 17:2-9
k Phil. 1:30
l [2 Cor. 2:17]
m 2 Thess. 2:11
n ch. 4:7
o 2 Cor. 4:2
p See Gal. 2:7
q See Gal. 1:10
r Ps. 17:3; See Rom. 8:27
s See Acts 20:33
4 Or with a flattering speech
t ver. 10; See Rom. 1:9
u [2 Cor. 4:5]; See John 5:41
v 1 Cor. 9:4; 2 Thess. 3:9; [Philem. 8, 9]
w [ver. 9; 2 Cor. 11:9]
x See 1 Cor. 9:1
y 2 Tim. 2:24; [1 Cor. 14:20]
5 Some manuscripts infants
z [ver. 11; Isai. 49:23; 60:16]
a See 2 Cor. 12:15
b 2 Thess. 3:8; [Phil. 4:16]
c See Acts 18:3
d ver. 5
e See ch. 1:5
f [ver. 7]; See 1 Cor. 4:14
g Eph. 4:17
h See Eph. 4:1
i ch. 5:24; 2 Thess. 2:14; 1 Pet. 5:10; See Rom. 8:28
j See ch. 1:2, 3
1 Or without ceasing
k [Rom. 10:17]
l [Gal. 4:14]; See Matt. 10:20
m Heb. 4:12
n See ch. 1:6
o See 1 Cor. 7:17
p ch. 3:4; Acts 17:5; 2 Thess. 1:4, 5
q [Heb. 10:33, 34]
r See Luke 24:20
s Jer. 2:30; Matt. 23:29-34; See Matt. 5:12
t [Esth. 3:8]
u Acts 13:45, 50; 14:2, 19; 17:5, 13; 18:12; 22:21, 22
v See Gen. 15:16
w See ch. 1:10
2 Or completely, or forever
x 1 Cor. 5:3; Col. 2:5
y ch. 8:10
z Rom. 15:22; [Rom. 1:13]
a See Phil. 4:1
b 1 Cor. 15:31; [2 Thess. 1:4]; See 2 Cor. 1:14
c ch. 3:13; 4:15; 5:23; Matt. 24:3; 1 Cor. 15:23; 2 Thess. 2:1, 8; James 5:7,
8; 2 Pet. 1:16; 3:4, 12; 1 John 2:28
[21] The Holy Bible : English standard version.
2001. Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament, by Joseph H. Thayer, Copyright ©1977, Baker Book House Company
“suffered” here is the word (G3958) πάσχω, πάθω, πένθω
paschō pathō penthō (pas'-kho,
path'-o, pen'-tho) Apparently a primary verb (the third form used only in
certain tenses for it); to experience
a sensation or impression (usually painful): - feel, passion, suffer, vex. From Strong’s Dictionary,( electronic edition), e-Sword®, ver. 9.5.1,
copyright ©2000-2009 by Rick Myers
The Complete Word Study Dictionary of the
New Testament, (Formerly Robinson’s Lexicon), by Spiros Zidhiates ©1992 AMG
[25] The Holy Bible : King James Version.
1995 (Electronic edition of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version.).
Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
(JFB) 1Ti 6:8 And — Greek, “But.” In contrast to the greedy gain-seekers (1Ti_6:5).
having — so long as we have food. (The Greek expresses “food sufficient in each case for our continually
recurring wants” [Alford]). It is implied that we, as believers, shall have this (Isa_23:16).
raiment — Greek,
“covering”; according to some including a roof
to cover us, that is, a dwelling, as well as clothing.let us be therewith content — literally, “we shall be sufficiently
provided”; “we shall be sufficed” [Alford]. (notes from Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary on the Bible, ,( electronic
edition), e-Sword®, ver.
9.5.1, copyright ©2000-2009 by Rick
Young’s 1894 Literal Translation of the
Bible, by Robert Young, ©2004 Greater Truth Publications
Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon of
the Old Testament (1847 Edition), by Dr. William Gesenius, ©1979 by Baker
Book House Company
Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the
Old Testament, ,(electronic edition),
e-Sword®, ver. 9.5.1,
copyright ©2000-2009 by Rick Myers
Fox’s Book of Martyrs, by John Fox,
Chapter XII, ,(electronic edition), e-Sword®, ver. 9.5.1, copyright ©2000-2009 by Rick Myers
From Thoughts of the Week, Pastor Jim
Brown, Grace and Truth Ministries, Hendersonville, TN, www.graceandtruth.net
[31] The Holy Bible : King James Version.
1995 (Electronic edition of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version.).
Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Strong’s Dictionary,( electronic
edition), e-Sword®, ver.
9.5.1, copyright ©2000-2009 by Rick
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament, by Joseph H. Thayer, Copyright ©1977, Baker Book House Company
Strong’s Dictionary,( electronic
edition), e-Sword®, ver.
9.5.1, copyright ©2000-2009 by Rick
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament, by Joseph H. Thayer, Copyright ©1977, Baker Book House Company
[37] Holy
Bible : New Living Translation. 1997, c1996 (electronic ed.). Wheaton:
Tyndale House.